PSC Lobby: Morning Session 1
- Tatsu Takeuchi (Virginia Tech)
PSC Lobby: Morning Session 2A
- Donna Hammer
- Muge Karagoz (AIP)
PSC Lobby: Morning Session 3A
- Samantha Spytek (Rock Ridge High School)
- Michael Thompson (T.S. Wootton High School)
PSC Lobby: Afternoon Session 1A
- Michael Thompson (T.S. Wootton High School)
As a large publisher, Wiley has many titles that support Physics. The main focus that will be presented today are around the three key Wiley titles that have WileyPLUS, digital learning courseware, or ALTA, mastery-based adaptive courseware, associated. These titles include:
Fundamentals of Physics 12e by Halliday (calculus based)
Physics 12e by Cutnell (Algebra based)
ALTA Physics...
Title: Teaching Quantum Computing: An approach accessible to high school and beginning college students
Quantum Computing can appear obscure to students at the high school and college level due to its abstract nature and unfamiliar formalism. In this talk we describe an approach which makes the field accessible to students with typical high school physics and mathematics backgrounds while...
Vector addition/subtraction seems simple, but High School physics students seem to struggle. Three somewhat time intensive activities will be presented for High School students: 1) colored masking tape, 2) pre-made lengths of line (Pythagorean Triples several meters long), and 3) Pirate Treasure Maps. The Pirate Treasure Map activity is extended to review the cartesian co-ordinate system,...
The Next Generation Science Standards puts "computational thinking" alongside mathematics as key practices for investigating science. What does this mean for a physics classroom? How can computational thinking be included without adding weeks to a typical course? I will present activities from the STEMcoding Project ( that address these questions. The STEMcoding...
This session will focus on the value of using open educational resources (OER) in Physics. Open educational resources are freely available, fully accessible instructional materials that either reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits the use, revision, improvement, and redistribution by others. The presenter will discuss the benefits...
As we approach the 100th anniversary of Heisenberg's discovery of matrix mechanics, it is good to look back at what he actually did to launch the era of the "new" quantum theory. Currently, most physicists have no clear idea how the original matrix mechanics works, its relationship to Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization, and why it had such an impact. In this talk, I will go through the history and...
The NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation has undertaken an intensive impact assessment process to evaluate the efficacy of its K-12 and undergraduate education programs. We will present our major findings from these efforts and provide some recommendations for teachers interesting in bringing quantum science and technology content into their classrooms.
In this presentation, I will describe The Organization for Physics at Two-Year Colleges (OPTYCs), showcase accomplishments from our first year, and share up-coming opportunities for the physics education community. While aimed at two-year colleges, we encourage participation from all instructors. Our events are generally free and virtual. OPTYCs is supported by AAPT, and is funded by the...
NASA Office of STEM Engagement created the Space Grant program wants to connect educational institutions to NASA Centers, to prepare the future aerospace workforce, and to engage the public in NASA's missions. There is a Space Grant in all 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico, so one of them is right place for you! I'll introduce you to some opportunities for you and your students and make sure you...
Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) provides FREE Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) opportunities for Virginia students in grades 10th, 11th, and 12th. The programs have an interactive online STEM learning experience and are highlighted by a seven-day residential summer academy at a NASA Center. At the academy students learn firsthand about the latest, innovative technologies...