October 21, 2023
Physical Sciences Complex, University of Maryland, College Park
America/New_York timezone

Using Computational Thinking in the Physics Classroom with STEMcoding

Oct 21, 2023, 9:35 AM


Talk (15 minute) PSC Lobby


James Newland (Bellaire High School/University of Houston)


The Next Generation Science Standards puts "computational thinking" alongside mathematics as key practices for investigating science. What does this mean for a physics classroom? How can computational thinking be included without adding weeks to a typical course? I will present activities from the STEMcoding Project (http://youtube.com/STEMcoding) that address these questions. The STEMcoding framework allows students with no prior coding experience to create interactive and engaging representations of physical phenomena that feel like a video game.

Primary author

James Newland (Bellaire High School/University of Houston)

Presentation materials