October 19, 2024
CEBAF Center, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
US/Eastern timezone
Registration and the Call for Abstracts are now open. Please note the early deadlines!

Meeting Location

Aerial view of Jefferson Lab from the north

The in-person venue is the CEBAF Center (Building 12) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (aka Jefferson Lab).  For directions on how to reach Jefferson Lab, please see the Travel & Lodging Info page.

Accessible parking is available in the areas indicated in this aerial photo.

If you are using Hampton Roads Transit, get off at the Jefferson & Lawrence bus stop (north bound) or the Jefferson & Muller bus stop (south bound).

Meeting Rooms:

The main meeting room is the CEBAF Center Auditorium (L103).
Parallel-session breakout rooms are L102/104 and F113.
The poster session will be on the 2nd floor.

CEBAF Center Auditorium (L103)