October 19, 2024
CEBAF Center, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
US/Eastern timezone
See you next year at the CSAAPT Spring 2025 Meeting at GMU, April 5, 2025!

PhysChats: An Ongoing Attempt to Normalize Physics Learning

Oct 19, 2024, 3:45 PM
L102/104 (CEBAF Center)


CEBAF Center

Talk (15 minute) L102/104


Desmond Villabla (University of Mary Washington)


Students are often intimidated by professors in introductory courses, despite having questions or misunderstandings about concepts. In an effort to address this, last year I implemented a new component to participation in my introductory physics courses. During Physics Chats or PhysChats, students schedule time to meet with me individually and informally talk about a group activity they did in class. My goal was to learn about how the students learn and gauge the level of individual understandings of topics. In this talk I will speak to how I implemented this, the pros and cons that I’ve observed one year in, and how you can implement a similar strategy in your classes.

Primary author

Desmond Villabla (University of Mary Washington)

Presentation materials