October 19, 2024
CEBAF Center, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
US/Eastern timezone
See you next year at the CSAAPT Spring 2025 Meeting at GMU, April 5, 2025!

21st century physics in the classroom

Oct 19, 2024, 4:15 PM
F113 (CEBAF Center)


CEBAF Center

Talk (15 minute) F113


Ray Hodges (CESJDS)


Students who complete a high school physics course may be under the impression that physics somehow “stopped” in the late 19th or early 20th century. Of course this idea could not be further from the truth, as physicists today continue to work on addressing an ever-growing list of unsolved questions: Where has all the antimatter gone? What is dark matter? What is dark energy? Physicists from all over the world work to address these and many other questions at research facilities including FermiLab here in the US and CERN in Europe. This talk will discuss Quarknet, an ongoing professional development program for high school physics teachers. Quarkent Centers bring teachers together with particle physics researchers to enable teachers to enrich their courses with exciting modern physics topics and allow students to see how the fundamental physics they are learning is applied in current physics research.

Primary author

Ray Hodges (CESJDS)

Presentation materials