October 21, 2023
Physical Sciences Complex, University of Maryland, College Park
America/New_York timezone

Impostor Phenomenon in UMD Physics Graduate Students

Oct 21, 2023, 2:50 PM
PSC 2136 (Physical Sciences Complex)

PSC 2136

Physical Sciences Complex

Talk (15 minute) PSC 2136


Zach Steffen (UMD)


Impostor phenomenon (IP) is when high-achieving individuals falsely attribute their success to luck or having deceived those around them, and it is prevalent in academic populations. The UMD Physics Mental Health Task Force administered a survey studying IP to the UMD physics graduate population. Nearly 70% of our respondents reported “frequent” or “intense” feelings of impostorism, with reported mean scores higher than other graduate populations. Regression analysis showed two statistically significant correlations among respondents. First, female-identifying students reported higher levels of IP than male-identifying students. Second, students who reported experiencing higher quality advising from their primary research advisors reported lower IP. We believe these results can be used to ameliorate feelings of impostor phenomenon for physicists in graduate school and other educational settings.

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