April 1, 2023
James Madison University
US/Eastern timezone
See you all at the Fall 2023 Meeting on Oct. 21 @ UMD/Zoom !

Active Learning Made Easy with Pivot Interactives

Apr 1, 2023, 9:00 AM
King Hall 0259 (James Madison University)

King Hall 0259

James Madison University

701 Carrier Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22807
demo (15-minute) Morning Session 1


Eric Rhoades (Pivot Interactives | Discovery Education)


Teachers know that students are engaged by active learning, but creating active learning environments and opportunities takes time, expertise, equipment, and supplies. It is challenging or impossible to do as often as we would like. We will explore interesting ways to engage students with MORE active learning and “doing science” throughout the learning cycle, without these constraints or added burden using Pivot Interactives.

Primary author

Eric Rhoades (Pivot Interactives | Discovery Education)

Presentation materials