April 1, 2023
James Madison University
US/Eastern timezone
See you all at the Fall 2023 Meeting on Oct. 21 @ UMD/Zoom !

Adaptive Step and Adaptive Order for the Parker Sochacki Method of Solving Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations.

Apr 1, 2023, 3:00 PM
King Hall 0259 (James Madison University)

King Hall 0259

James Madison University

701 Carrier Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22807
talk (15-minute) Afternoon Session 2A


Joseph Rudmin (James Madison University)


The Parker Sochacki Method (PSM) or Power Series Method of solving systems of differential equations offers a very simple, powerful, general, fast (time proportional to order squared), and effectively symplectic method for solving systems of ordinary differential equations (odes), by treating all functions as Taylor series, and equating coefficients. It comes with a priori absolute error bounds. This presentation briefly shows PSM, and then offers the theoretical principles and a couple general methods of accurately choosing an optimum adaptive step and adaptive order over a specified domain.

Primary author

Joseph Rudmin (James Madison University)

Presentation materials