April 1, 2023
James Madison University
US/Eastern timezone
See you all at the Fall 2023 Meeting on Oct. 21 @ UMD/Zoom !

Scaffolding the Transition to Higher-level Physics at the University of Virginia

Apr 1, 2023, 2:30 PM
King Hall 0259 (James Madison University)

King Hall 0259

James Madison University

701 Carrier Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22807
talk (15-minute) Afternoon Session 2A


Elizabeth Larson (University of Virginia)


A recent restructuring of the curriculum at UVa resulted in the creation of a new physics course -- one unlike any previously taught in our department. PHYS 2720: Problem Solving and Special Topics in Classical Physics, currently being taught for the first time, aims to bridge the gap between introductory physics, which students may have taken in a variety of settings, and the core courses of the physics major. I will discuss the course design and its aim to support 2nd year undergraduates as they learn to approach problems of the length and complexity they will encounter in higher-level physics courses, as well as share early results and lessons learned.

Primary authors

Dr Bob Jones (University of Virginia) Elizabeth Larson (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials