During the workshop we had space for "offline" discussion on a shared google doc -- a record of that google doc is kept here for later reference
Introduction Welcome
Alongside acting as the off-axis near detector for T2K, ND280 is also used to measure a variety of neutrino interaction rates, in order to give a better understanding of the individual cross sections.
I will present the status of an updated measurement of the muon neutrino cross section with one positively charged pion in the final state ($\nu_\mu$CC1$\pi^+$) in ND280. The updated...
The MicroBooNE detector is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) located along the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab. One of its key physics goals is the measurement of neutrnio-Argon interaction cross sections. Due to the detector’s fully active volume as well as its capability for high-efficiency event reconstruction, MicroBooNE is well suited to utilize the Wiener-SVD...
A potential explanation of the MiniBooNE low energy excess posits the existence of a novel dark sector, involving a dark neutrino and a dark gauge boson. In this model neutrinos interact with nuclei and up-scatter into dark neutrinos. I will present a new GENIE module that generates the Dark Neutrino interactions from this model, allowing simulations of their expected signal on the Short...
One of the substantial sources of systematic errors in neutrino oscillation experiments that utilize neutrinos from accelerator sources stems from a lack of precision in modeling single-pion production (SPP). Oscillation analyses rely on Monte Carlo event generators (MC), providing theoretical predictions of neutrino interactions on nuclear targets. Pions produced in these processes provide a...
Using electron scattering data from SLAC E139 and muon scattering data from NMC in the DIS region, we determine the F2A/F2p and F2A/F2n per nucleon structure function ratios, spanning 0.3 < x < 0.8 and 5 < Q2 < 200 GeV/c This region is of particular relevance to studies of the EMC Effect. The structure of the free proton is well known from numerous experiments, but the free neutron structure...
Neutrino deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data has been shown to exhibit tension with charge lepton DIS data in global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs), nevertheless there is still no consensus about their compatibility. We re-analyze neutrino DIS data from NuTeV, Chorus and CDHSW, as well as dimuon data from CCFR and NuTeV, and the recent vector boson production data...
The MINERvA collaboration has made important progress in the NovA (ME) era with analyses in both neutrino and anti-neutrino modes with up to 12.1x1020 and 12.4x1020 protons on target respectively. Three of these high-statistics analyses, of special importance for oscillation experiments like DUNE, NOvA and T2K, are near completion and highlighted in this presentation. The muon-neutrino 3D CC...
In an era of precision neutrino oscillation experiments using improved technology that generate large statistical samples, it is important to understand the properties of neutrino interactions on nuclei over a large volume of kinematic phase space. The MINERvA experiment, which utilizes the NuMI neutrino beam at Fermilab, measures cross sections across multiple materials ranging from helium to...
A core-collapse supernova burst (SNB) releases 99% of a star's gravitational potential energy via neutrinos over a period of several seconds. These neutrinos have energies in the few to 10s of MeV range. Lack of knowledge of low-energy neutrino cross sections will limit the amount of physics extracted during a future SNB. In particular, the electron neutrino-argon charged-current inelastic...
The ENUBET experiment, included in the CERN Neutrino Platform effort as NP06/ENUBET, is developing a new neutrino beam based on conventional techniques in which the flux and the flavor composition are known with unprecedented precision ($\mathcal{O}$(1%)). Such a goal is accomplished monitoring the associated charged leptons produced in the decay region of the ENUBET facility. Positrons and...
The NINJA experiment aims to measure neutrino interactions, especially on water, using a nuclear emulsion detector. Owing to the excellent spatial resolution of the nuclear emulsion, we can measure low-momentum hadrons effectively.
In this presentation, we report results from a pilot experiment using a 3-kg water target, based on the latest NINJA paper. Multiplicity, angle, and momentum...
The superscaling SuSAv2 model, that was successfully used to explain electron scattering data in the quasielastic (QE) as well as in the high inelastic regions (see [1] and refs. therein), is here extended to charged-current neutrino scattering processes on nuclei. We provide a detailed description of the Delta nucleon resonance and compare our predictions based on the pure Relativistic Fermi...
Detection and identification of tau-neutrino events is of primary interest for the neutrino-oscillation program. While accelerator experiments like DONUT and OPERA reported events with tau-leptons, atmospheric neutrino studies at Super-Kamiokande and IceCube established the $\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau$ oscillation. Future experiments such as DUNE, DsTau and SHiP are also planning to detect...
The WAGASCI-BabyMIND project inside the T2K experiment aims at measuring the neutrino cross-section on water and CH with the T2K neutrino beam. The project name comes from two newly developed detectors: the WAGASCI detector, a 3D grid-like water and scintillator detector that acts as the water target, and the BabyMIND detector, a magnetized muon spectrometer made of many intertwined planes of...
The Coulomb field of a nucleus exerts a force on charged leptons produced in charged-current neutrino nucleus interactions. Quantum mechanically this results in a distorted lepton wavefunction which can modify cross sections and have other phenomenological implications. In this talk we discuss recent progress on a analytic theory of Coulomb corrections for high energy charged current...
Monoenergetic muon neutrinos with an energy of 236 MeV are readily produced in intense medium-energy proton facilities at Fermilab and J-PARC when a positive kaon decays at rest in neutrino beamline absorbers.
These kaon decay-at-rest (KDAR) neutrinos offer a distinctive opportunity to study neutrino-nucleus interactions without having to deal with the complications raised by pion...
We study the CC and NC electroweak pion production off nucleons in a fully relativistic ChPT with explicit contributions of the $\Delta$ resonance at energies close to the threshold.
At low energies, the experimental data is scarce for weak pion-production processes and theoretical models should be fairly predictive. In order to do this some of the most relevant parameters in the amplitude,...
In the era of precision measurement, the main aim is to determine the neutrino oscillation parameters with better precision and to search for the CP violation in the leptonic sector, for which the simultaneous knowledge of neutrino and antineutrino cross section in the same energy region, for a given nuclear target is required. In the few GeV energy region of neutrinos and antineutrinos, the...
We will present new results and opportunities for neutrino physics with high precision electron scattering experiments at the MAMI electron accelerator facility.
In my talk I will give an overview of the recent progress that has been made in describing neutrino-nucleus scattering within the ab-initio coupled-cluster framework. It has been successful in addressing the coherent elastic neutrino scattering on 40Ar. Lately, the coupled-cluster theory was combined with the Lorentz integral transform. These techniques open the door to obtaining nuclear...