9:45 AM
Matthew Heath
10:05 AM
Towards ab initio computations of neutrino scattering on medium-mass nuclei
Joanna Sobczyk
(JGU, Mainz)
10:25 AM
Low Energy theory and Generator
Vishvas Pandey
(University of Florida)
Vishvas Pandey
(Virginia Tech)
10:45 AM
Electron Scattering vs Neutrino Scattering
Artur Ankowski
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University)
11:05 AM
Jefferson Lab eAr experiment results
Libo Jiang
11:30 AM
Semi-inclusive scattering for nu energy reconstruction
(Complutense University of Madrid)
11:55 AM
Weak pion production in BChPT
Astrid Blin