Aug 17 – 21, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

Jirui Guo: Quantum sheaf cohomology and duality of flag manifolds

Aug 20, 2020, 5:30 AM


Abstract: In this talk I will introduce (0,2) deformation of quantum cohomology, namely quantum sheaf cohomology, of flag manifolds based on their GLSM description. In order to study the ring structure, it is necessary to obtain a representation of the ordinary cohomology, that is suitable for (0,2) generalization. Given such a representation, localization and Coulomb vacua can be used to extract the ring relations. I will also talk about how to predict the dual (0,2) deformation under the biholomorphic duality between flag manifolds by making use of the quantum sheaf cohomology. This pair of deformations gives rise to an IR duality between A/2-twisted nonabelian GLSMs.

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