June 27, 2023
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The value of small experiments for training early career scientists

Jun 27, 2023, 12:25 PM


Austin Schneider (LANL / MIT)


Today larger experimental collaborations are the primary focus for new physics searches at the intensity frontier. While these large experimental efforts allow us to leap forward in our understanding of fundamental neutrino physics, they have the disadvantage of decades long timescales, and can leave much to be desired for young physicists in training. There is an often understated value to smaller experimental efforts, in that they allow us to make targeted inroads to the most pressing questions in neutrino physics on a much shorter timescale than larger experiments. Such experiments also provide valuable opportunities to early career scientists like myself, allowing them to make meaningful contributions to the field on shorter timescales, and training them in a wider variety of skills necessary for their long-term success.

Topic of submission Small projects portfolio across frontiers

Primary author

Austin Schneider (LANL / MIT)

Presentation materials