Location: Jefferson Lab
This workshop aims at bringing together theorists and experimentalists to discuss the current status and potential directions for the physics of hard exclusive reactions, in particular for interpretations about hadron imaging. Subjects covered during the workshop will include hard exclusive single-meson and associated-meson production, ‘novel’ Compton-like reactions beyond DVCS and the sensitivity of the respective exclusive processes to GPDs, GTMDs, spin structure and gravitational form factors. Opportunities at low and high x, at fixed-target and collider experiments will also be discussed.
In order to facilitate informal discussions and the development of new ideas, this workshop will be exclusively in-person (though remote attendance as audience, only, is possible with a free registration). Ample time will be given for discussions, with dedicated round tables for each topic.
- Experimental facilities and new experiments
- Theory / phenomenology
- Compton-like reactions
- Meson structure
- Hard exclusive meson production
- Transition GPDs
- Theoretical activities and centers / new theory idea and future facilities
- Polarized targets and new observables
A participation fee of $250 will be collected to contribute to the costs of the organization. This covers the workshop dinner, the reception and the social activity. At the discretion of the organizers, limited support to as many people as possible will be provided, with priority for early-career participants and participants from low-income countries, who can apply for reimbursement of the fee. Please note that we can't make exception having everybody paying the fee via JLab portal.
We kindly ask all locals who want to come for a few talks and remote participants to register on this Indico page. All announcements and Zoom links will be sent by email to registered participants.

This project is supported by the Initiatives Fund Program, a JSA commitment, to support programs, initiatives, and activities that further the scientific outreach, promote the science, education and technology of Jefferson Lab and benefit the Lab’s extended user community in ways that complement the Lab’s basic and applied research missions. This workshop is also supported by Jefferson Lab, CAEN electronics and the PaSHa group of Virginia Tech.
Organizing committee:
Co-chairs: Marie Boër, Alexandre Camsonne, Charlotte Van Hulse
Administrative support: Sadie Cherry
Local co-organizers: Debaditya Biswas, Gyang Chung, Mahmoud Gomina
Complementary support: JLab event service and we received support from many JLab people to make this workshop possible