March 16, 2024
Delaware State University, Bank of America Building
US/Eastern timezone
See you all the the Fall 2024 Meeting on Saturday, Oct. 19 @ JLab/Zoom !

Mechanical Oscillations With and Without Damping - An Analog Computer Physics-Themed Simulation

Mar 16, 2024, 11:15 AM
BOA 217 (Delaware State University, Bank of America Building)

BOA 217

Delaware State University, Bank of America Building

1200 N. DuPont Highway Dover, DE 19901
Demo (for demo share-a-thon) BOA 217


Ryan Bischof (Delaware State University)


A breadboard analog computer was constructed to approximate a solution to the second-order linear differential equations for a sliding block attached to a massless spring, which is attached to a rigid vertical frame. Two cases are considered: (1) with damping and (2) without damping. In both cases, the sliding friction is assumed to be 0. Units were omitted in each equation for clarity. The solutions to both cases are displayed on an oscilloscope upon initialization. An analytical solution is provided for each case as comparison. This demonstration provides a model of instruction which allows students to visualize classical physics and differential equations through hands-on analog circuit design.

Primary author

Ryan Bischof (Delaware State University)


Mr Michael Cimorosi (Delaware State University)

Presentation materials