Maps and Directions to Dover, Delaware
- By Car
- To Meeting site: Follow directions on Google Maps to Delaware State University, Parking Lot 1
- To Meeting hotel: Follow directions on Google Maps to the Hilton Garden Inn Dover
- To Meeting site: Follow directions on Google Maps to Delaware State University, Parking Lot 1
- Bridge Tolls
- William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bay Bridge :
Connects the Washington DC, Baltimore, Annapolis area to the Delmarva peninsula. Please see the Toll Rates table.
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel :
Connects the Hampton Roads area to the Delmarva peninsula. Please use the Toll Calculator to figure out your expected toll. The round trip toll for a regular car is $20 if you return with in 24 hours, but $28 if you do not.
- William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bay Bridge :
- By Bus
- DART First State: Intercounty routes connect Dover to other regions within Delware.
- DART First State: Intercounty routes connect Dover to other regions within Delware.
- By Long Distance Bus
- SprinterBus connects the Hampton Roads VA area (Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Virginia Beach) to New York via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and Dover DE.
The stop in Dover is at the Dover Motor Speedway, across the DuPont Highway from Delaware State University.
- Greyhound connects Richmond VA to Wilmington-Newark DE via Williamsburg VA, the Hampton Roads area, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, and Dover DE..
The meeting site is a 24 minute walk from the Greyhound Dover Bus Stop.
- SprinterBus connects the Hampton Roads VA area (Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Virginia Beach) to New York via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and Dover DE.

- A block of hotel rooms at a reduced rate of 149.00 dollars + 9.5 per cent tax = 163.16 dollars/night (for both 1 King and 2 Queen rooms) is available for the nights of Friday, March 15, 2024 and Saturday, March 16, 2024 at the Hilton Garden Inn Dover, a 25-minute walk/5-minute drive to the Luna I. Mishoe Science Center.
- Breakfast is NOT included in this rate. Parking is FREE.
- The cutoff date to reserve rooms at this rate is midnight of Thursday, February 1, 2024.
- Please use the following link to make your reseration at the reduced group rate:
- Note: A lower rate may be available at other discount travel sites. Please check!
Lodging Support
- We have limited funds to provide lodging support to high school teachers of up to $163/night at the Hilton Garden Inn Dover for the nights of Friday, March 15, 2024 and Saturday, March 16, 2024.
- Please DO NOT inquire the hotel about this support! People receiving this support must make a reservation at the hotel using the link provided above and pay the hotel first, and then submit the hotel receipt to us. A check will be mailed to you later.
- To apply, indicate the number of nights you would like to request support for in the registration form, and also fill in the requested information. The deadline to apply for this support is midnight of Sunday, January 28, 2024. PLEASE NOTE THE EARLY DEADLINE! The application section on the registration form will be deactivated after this date.
- People selected for support will be notified by Tuesday, January 30, 2024, in time to take advantage of the CSAAPT group rate at the Hilton Garden Inn Dover, the cutoff date for which is Thursday, February 1, 2024.
- Preference will be given to high school teachers who are presenting a talk or demo, those who must travel long distance to reach the Meeting site, and those who are CSAAPT members.
- If you are selected to receive this support, you will be requested to provide the following:
- A copy of your School ID which proves that you are a current high school physics teacher
- A copy of the detailed receipt from the hotel
- A copy of your School ID which proves that you are a current high school physics teacher
- A check will be mailed to you after the meeting from one of our supporting institutions.
- If you have any questions about this program, please email Tatsu Takeuchi (
Places to visit: