Afternoon Session 1A
- Ben Ryan (Rockingham County Public Schools)
- Muge Karagoz
Physics programs introduce students to scientific computing in various contexts and at various levels. In this talk, free resources and curricula are discussed for teaching computing to physics students in the following contexts: as part of a regular physics course, in a stand-alone physics course (Computational Physics), as a separate course requirement (Introductory Programming), and in...
Science education equipment has made amazing leaps forward in the last 5-10 years. It’s easy to get graphs that are of near professional quality. Has any learning happened, or is it just "magic data"? In this presentation I propose that, for intro physics students, using less prefect data collection and/or analysis leads to more learning.
Special science language plays a big part in our lives. We often do not notice how confusing our language can be until either you or someone else just doesn’t understand the words being used. The reason for this talk is to show you one way of teaching science-word-using to students in a fun and easy to remember way.
The idea for this talk came from the book Thing Explainer, by Randall...