Jul 18 – 22, 2022
Virginia Tech
US/Eastern timezone


social dinner

Jul 21, 2022, 5:00 PM
Auditorium 130, Hahn Hall North Wing (Virginia Tech)

Auditorium 130, Hahn Hall North Wing

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech Physics Dept. Robeson Hall, 850 W campus dr., 24060 Blacksburg, VA, USA GPS: 37.22844573858478, -80.42620203742952


We will leave from Hahn Lot at 5 PM. Please sign up for your shuttle, we have 2 minivans and car. Program: visiting the museum (3 exhibitions; cars, train, airplanes...), we will have drinks served in the museum (car part) followed by a sit in buffet. The museum stays open to us until 10 PM. We can enter as early as 5 PM. Your workshop badge is your card to access the museum and the buffet. If you have guest, they are coming for free, but need to register as well, and will be provided with a badge. People under 21 need to check up with organizers since the place is serving wine. Lost badge? we will give you a new one.

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