Abstract: In early 2010, a mathematical theory of GLSM was proposed by Fan-Jarvis-Ruan to generalize both Gromov-Witten theory and FJRW-theory. The mathematical GLSM theory produced an open moduli space, in contrast to the traditional moduli theory where the compactness is required. Then, a cosection (constructed out of superpotential) localized the theory to the critical locus. The above theory is theoretically beautiful, but useless in computation. Recently, a delicate compactification of GLSM (logarithmic GLSM) was constructed to remedy the above defect. Its localization formula is proved to be extremely effective to solve many outstanding problems in the subject of Gromov-Witten theory, including BCOV axioms of higher genus Gromov-Witten theory of quintic 3-fold, r-spin conjecture relating r-spin virtual
cycle and locus of holomorphic differential, modularity of Gromov-Witten theory of elliptic fibration and so on. In the talk, we will survey the above developments. These are joint works with Felix Janda and Qile Chen who will give more detail of the program during this conference.