June 27, 2023
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Complementarity of Dark Matter Studies

Jun 27, 2023, 12:10 PM


Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester and Lund University) Slatyer Tracy (MIT) Yu-Dai Tsai (University of California, Irvine)


The fundamental nature of dark matter is a central theme of the Snowmass 2021 process, extending across all Frontiers. In the last decade, advances in detector technology, analysis techniques, and theoretical modeling have enabled a new generation of experiments and searches while broadening the types of candidates we can pursue. Over the next decade, there is great potential for discoveries that would transform our understanding of dark matter.

In this contribution, we will summarise the cross-frontier efforts towards taking full advantage of this complementarity in dark matter searches. We outline a road map for discovery developed in collaboration among the Frontiers. A strong portfolio of experiments that delves deep, searches wide, and harnesses the complementarity between techniques is key to tackling this complicated problem, requiring expertise, results, and planning from all Frontiers.

Topic of submission Small projects portfolio across frontiers

Primary authors

Alex Drlica-Wagner (FNAL) Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester and Lund University) Lindley Winslow (MIT) Natalia Toro (SLAC) Slatyer Tracy (MIT) Yu-Dai Tsai (University of California, Irvine)

Presentation materials