October 22, 2022
VT Northern Virginia Center
US/Eastern timezone
We thank all attendees for making the meeting such a great success. See you all in Harrisonburg on April 1, 2023!

Is Relativity in HS Crazy?

Oct 22, 2022, 2:30 PM
Room 213 (VT Northern Virginia Center)

Room 213

VT Northern Virginia Center

7054 Haycock Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043


Tatsu Takeuchi (Virginia Tech)


Due to the advent of Quantum Computing Technologies, there has been a rush to reinvent the teaching of quantum mechanics in order to better train the future work force for that field. At the past few CSAAPT Meetings, we heard many talks on newly developed methods to teach the essence of quantum mechanics to high school students. But what about the other pillar of modern physics, namely relativity? Is it crazy to try to teach relativity to high school students? In this talk, I will argue that it is not, and that the best way to do it is to avoid the use of equations altogether and explain everything using pictures called "spacetime diagrams."

Presentation materials