October 22, 2022
VT Northern Virginia Center
US/Eastern timezone
We thank all attendees for making the meeting such a great success. See you all in Harrisonburg on April 1, 2023!

Imaginary Flights

Oct 22, 2022, 3:45 PM
Room 213 (VT Northern Virginia Center)

Room 213

VT Northern Virginia Center

7054 Haycock Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043


Lilian Clairmont (Appomattox Regional Governor's School)


In this activity, students learn about addition of vectors and relative motion in two dimensions by simulating real flight conditions on an obsolete Flight Navigation Chart. These charts, called “Sectional Charts”, are used by pilots to identify landmarks. Students act as “pilots” as they take their airplane from the origin airport to her destination airport, first passively (without correcting for wind), then actively (correcting for wind.) Details of the activity, learning objectives, teacher preparation, tips for a successful project, as well as student “pre-flight” preparation, final project results and learning outcomes will be shared. Extension activity suggestions will be presented as well.

Primary author

Lilian Clairmont (Appomattox Regional Governor's School)

Presentation materials