October 22, 2022
VT Northern Virginia Center
US/Eastern timezone
We thank all attendees for making the meeting such a great success. See you all in Harrisonburg on April 1, 2023!

In-class Active Learning Examples

Oct 22, 2022, 3:30 PM
Room 214 (VT Northern Virginia Center)

Room 214

VT Northern Virginia Center

7054 Haycock Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043


Muge Karagoz


Between 2019-2022, I ran a particle physics research course within UMD's First-year Innovation and Research Experience (FIRE) general education undergraduate program. During this time, I designed and utilized many in-class activities that incorporated active and collaborative learning components. I will share my experiences of a couple of these activities, with the hope of brainstorming for further ideas in this forum.

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