October 22, 2022
VT Northern Virginia Center
US/Eastern timezone
We thank all attendees for making the meeting such a great success. See you all in Harrisonburg on April 1, 2023!

Building Things in Physics Classes

Oct 22, 2022, 3:45 PM



Sean Lally (Jemicy School)


You might be surprised (and perhaps a little dismayed) to learn how few of your students have actually built things with their own hands. Physics teachers have a unique opportunity to allow students to build their own lab devices. In doing this, I have found that students usually take ownership of their learning and better understand how things work. In this workshop, I will describe several of the things I have students build (toy cars, mobiles, motors, microphones, speakers, musical instruments, pickups, etc.), discuss the physics being taught, and will provide time for teachers to construct their own versions of the devices.

Primary author

Sean Lally (Jemicy School)

Presentation materials