October 22, 2022
VT Northern Virginia Center
US/Eastern timezone
We thank all attendees for making the meeting such a great success. See you all in Harrisonburg on April 1, 2023!

Effectiveness of simulation-based lesson in introductory physics classes

Oct 22, 2022, 2:15 PM



Bilas Pal (Marywood University)


Physics is a science that can be difficult for students to understand. It involves a lot of abstract thinking. It can be difficult for students to conceptualize the concepts learned. Our studies show that simulations-based lessons have the potential to engage students in deep learning that empowers their understanding as opposed to traditional learning which requires mostly memorization. In this talk, we show some examples of the simulation-based lesson and how effective they are.

Primary author

Bilas Pal (Marywood University)

Presentation materials