April 2, 2022
Radford University
US/Eastern timezone
We thank all who participated (attendees & sponsors) to make this Meeting a success! See you in Fall 2022 in Falls Church, VA.

QuarkNet: Particle Physics....in High School!

Apr 2, 2022, 2:45 PM
Curie-Reed 242 (Radford University)

Curie-Reed 242

Radford University


Rebecca Jaronski (Christiansburg High School, VT QuarkNet)


Many career and research opportunities in physics today are in the field of particle physics. However, particle physics is often not covered in introductory courses- leaving students in the dark about these career paths! This talk will introduce you to the opportunities and resources (including ready-to-go lesson plans) provided by Fermilab’s QuarkNet program for university faculty, high school teachers, and current students. I will present examples of real student work from my classes, and suggestions for the implementation of these lessons. Adaptations I have made to this material for virtual/hybrid instruction will also be featured.

Primary author

Rebecca Jaronski (Christiansburg High School, VT QuarkNet)

Presentation materials