June 27, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Theory Simulation Tools

Jun 27, 2023, 12:30 PM


Joshua Isaacson (Fermilab)


Large-scale computing is vital to the success of all current and future high-energy physics experiments, through simulating our understanding of the Standard Model. The use of theory simulation tools spans most of the Snowmass frontiers, including the Energy, Neutrino, Rare Processes and Precision Measurements, Theory, and Computational Frontiers. Recently, members of the HEP community submitted an open letter to the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel titled “Maximizing the Return on US Investment at the intersection of experiment and phenomenology at the LHC.” [1] The open letter advocates for better support of the precision analysis of collider processes and proposes specific actions. The success in this area strongly relies on new approaches to tackle emergent issues in large-scale simulations for numerous precision studies in both experiment and theory. While the letter focuses mainly on the LHC, many of its points apply to the other experimental communities as well. As a theorist working on precision SM calculations, I see both the practical impact and formidable challenges of these efforts. I will highlight the goalposts for the development of modern computational techniques for precision analyses and opportunities for cross-frontier efforts to make far-reaching advances in this area.

[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HB19qQN9MJTF2lxxjtClll9JaAP7Cg0FwQ7lyHfzHyQ/edit?usp=sharing

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