October 23, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

A Semester-Long Project Laboratory

Oct 23, 2021, 9:30 AM


Dr Henry Snyder (Retired)


In a first semester of a three-hour per week introductory physics lab, students completed traditional laboratories on mechanics and heat, where student reports recorded experimental methods, analysis, and results. The second semester lab was implemented as a semester-long student project. The project consisted of building the structure and electronic system for a functioning remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The purpose of the project was to provide practical experience with extended project work, electro-mechanical hardware/software systems, circuit fabrication, electrical measurements, and interactive control/testing. The ROV circuitry was designed for this project and assembled with parts from various commercial sources. At the end of the semester, all the student ROVs were tested in the university swimming pool.

Primary author

Dr Henry Snyder (Retired)

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