April 17, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

"What can the CSAAPT do for you?" Meeting

Apr 17, 2021, 4:00 PM


Please tell us what the CSAAPT can provide to assist in your teaching, e.g.

  1. Talks by Physics Education research experts at the CSAAPT meetings
  2. Talks by various experts working on the frontiers of physics and astronomy (e.g. LIGO, space telescope, LHC, etc.)
    with emphasis on how to explain the research to high school students
  3. More talks about physics courses/programs that were successful at various institutions
  4. Can I get help in meeting the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standard) and other standards?
  5. Tutorials/workshops for various software and tools (e.g LaTeX, Overleaf, Mathematica, Glowscript, etc.) that would be useful for teaching
  6. Tell me more about the availability of physics outreach programs, astronomical observatories with open houses,
    planetariums, etc. in my area where I can take my students to
  7. etc.

Presentation materials

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