April 17, 2021
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Entropy - What's in a Meaning

Apr 17, 2021, 1:20 PM
Pedagogy Pedagogy Presentation Session 4


Dr John S. Ochab, jr. (Reynolds Community College)


The term “entropy” has created much controversy over the past hundred years on it’s interpretation, or miss-interpretation. In a book by Dr. Ariah Ben-Naim (Hebrew University, entitled "Entropy and the Second Law", the author attempts to explain the meaning of entropy, to guide readers in its understanding, and to show how it relates to Shannon's Measure of Information, of Uncertainty, and to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In this talk I want to share some of the ideas presented in this book in order to remove any speculative interpretations of the term "entropy".

Primary author

Dr John S. Ochab, jr. (Reynolds Community College)

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